Learn about our supplements


Dietary and pre/post natal supplements

At Adjusted For Life we understand that a huge part of how you feel is directly related to what you put in your body. With that in mind we wanted to offer everyone in our family the best in nutritional supplements and vitamins. Trusted and well tested supplement brands like Standard Process, Ortho Molecular Products, and Innate Response are all available within our office. Ask Dr. Sami about what might be beneficial for your health on your next visit!


Immune Enhancement

Elderberry Syrup by Mindfully Made is produced locally right here in kansas city. The syrup contains strong antiviral properties known to fight respiratory infection and the flu. If taken when you start experiencing symptoms Elderberry syrup is shown to improve immune function and help prevent viral replication.

To order some for yourself, check out Mindfully Made or grab a bottle for yourself at your next visit!